Friday, March 29, 2013

And Finally... Scaffold Built!

Happy Easter to all!  We can't thank God enough for this wonderful day that Jesus died on the cross and rose again more than 2,000 years ago, that we may have victorious eternal life now!

This week on Wednesday, we noticed all the rusty metals and wood got delivered.  On Thursday afternoon, there was no sign of getting scaffold setup.  Being Easter Good Friday the next day, we didn't expect anywork to be done till after Easter Monday. Surprisingly, today we arrived onsite and to our surprise, the scaffold has been setup!!  We're still puzzled about the time the scaffold were built.....We were there Thursday 2:30pm, nothing was done, then by 1pm on Good Friday, the scaffold was completed....hmhmhm, very interesting and impressive. But praise God! Must be a miracle :-)

If you were there to see the scaffold, you wouldn't believe the whole thing only took one day to build....Amazing!

And look at our house now, can you believe that it's only 2 months of work done?  That's the good thing about getting a volume builder to build your house.  With a custom or smaller builder, this at least would have taken 4-5 months......................

Pallets of scaffolds

Close up of the scaffolds

Wrapped materials for scaffold

Poles to be used for scaffolds

Amazing isn't it?
Front and Garage view
Front view

Close up of the scaffolds setup

Staircase for the scaffold

1 comment:

  1. Whew! It looked like a lot of work was done, but I'm glad to see that everything is working fine now. How's your house, by the way? A reliable scaffold must have the necessary parts that are of top-quality to endure the constant pressure of everyday labor, keeping it safe for both the laborers and the passersby.

    Charline Karter @ A Crow Props For Sale
